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2025 Crossroads of Texas Country Festival Artist & Craftsperson Application

Crossroads of Texas Country Festival
Saturday, October 25, 2025 - 9 am-7 pm - Waxahachie, Texas - Courthouse Square
(Deadline for Application: September 1, 2025; however, space is limited.)

Rules & Eligibility

Artists in all fine art and craft disciplines are welcome to apply. Artists agree to be present during all Festival hours, and will show only their own work made by their own hands in the category in which they are accepted. No food or drinks may be sold without the permission of the Festival and Waxahachie CVB Committees.

If you manufacture food related products (seasonings, jelly/canned goods, nuts, etc), an additional food permit must be obtained from the City of Waxahachie Health Department (pre-packaged foods: $25; temperature controlled foods: $60) once you are accepted. Please save this link to the Waxahachie Health Department website to apply for your health permit - click here.

We encourage that exhibited work for sale not be older than five years unless prior permission has been received from the Festival. No commercial agents, dealers or manufacturers may enter. Kits, tumbled stones, manufactured objects, imported objects, mass-produced goods, exhibitor posters, etc. are unacceptable for sale during the festival.

All artists must disclose all materials and processes used in on-site signage. If two or more persons collaborate to produce original work, all must be identified on the application.

* No machine-made or mass-produced work is permitted.

Jury Process

Three photographs and one booth image of your current work that you plan to display are required for application. You must submit photographs even if you have been accepted at previous Waxahachie Festivals. Please label all items. A booth image is mandatory and must be representative of the presentation and work to be displayed. The jury prefers a booth image of the whole booth. Booth images will be used to determine scale of work, balance and overall presentation.

THE JURY: The jury consists of the members of the Festival Committee. Committee members are not compensated for their time financially or otherwise. There are no quotas for categories. The decision of the Committee is final.

MISREPRESENTATION: Any artist or craftsperson that is considered by the Festival Committee to be misrepresenting products will be asked to leave the Festival without any refund. You may not sell any additional items not listed on your original application.

Booth Placement

All vendors must have a white tent for their booth space. You may bring your own tent or rent one. Please do not contact us to request a specific spot for your booth. They are all great spots! We cannot respond to requests for special placement. You will be advised of booth placement only when you check-in for set-up.

All booths will be placed by the Festival Committee. The decision of the Committee is FINAL.

Load & Set-Up

All exhibitors must check-in at the designated area before setting up. This applies to new and returning vendors. You may not arrive early to set-up.

No late set-ups or early break-downs.

No vehicles allowed into the festival area until after the last entertainer has finished performing. Please note that no extra lighting is provided for set-up and teardown of your booth.

TENT: White tent mandatory for all booths. Rentals available from Lone Star Events & Tents - 972-872-8774.


Deadline for Application: September 1, 2025; however, space is limited.

Vendor Information

Previous Years at Waxahachie Festivals
Do you sell food related items? Waxahachie Health Permit is Required if YES
Are You a GO TEXAN Partner?

Booth Space Information

10' x 10' space = $195 each. How many booth spaces do you need?
Interested in a corner space upgrade? (Very Limited) = $150 Corners will be selected & billed at a later date.
110V AC electricity outlets available = $100 each. How many outlets do you need?
Additional Chairs Available = $10 each. How many additional chairs do you need?
Additional Tables Available = $20 each. How many additional tables do you need?
Not including the corner space upgrade

Required Documents

Product Photo #1
Product Photo #2
Product Photo #3
Photo of Entire Booth Display
Submission Checklist
I have read and accept the General Release of Liability
No fees are actually due at this time. You are only submitting your products for approval by the jury. This is the first step in the application process.

YOUR BOOTH IS NOT RESERVED until you receive an acceptance email from the committee on a later date that will include a link for payment. Your payment will then claim your spot.

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